Thursday, December 3, 2009

TJ vs. TJ Photo Shoot

First and foremost I am making this post after a 12 hour day at work. A week or so ago I joined forced with the best local photographer in the biz, Taylor Jackson. He was stoked for the shoot and so was I. Then what happens? The large watermelon I purchased had its insides turned into mush and was uncarvable. So I had to stick with the small melons and the strawberry bouquet. The shoot still turned out awesome. I also totally forgot I was rocking a mustache, which makes it so much better. Unfortunately it is gone now.

Tommorow I have to make two fruit platters for Bingemans. Expect new photos very very soon.

Here is the TJ vs. TJ shoot (**Note: I chose, resized and cropped these photos, Taylor would have done a much better job):


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful work TJ! As for Taylor Jackson as a photographer; I've always loved his work. He and I used to work together at the Outback lol


About Me

My photo
Kitchener / Waterloo, Ontario
I have been carving fruit in Kitchener, Ontario, for 5 years now and have done hundreds of exotic fruit platters. This is my portfolio following my life as a fruit carver. If you like what you see and are interested in having your own fruit platter, please contact me at Thank you for browsing my blog and I hope you enjoy the photos.