Saturday, December 12, 2009

ShRiMp ?!?!

Shrimp? I thought this was for fruit carvings. Well this shrimp tray isn't your average shrimp platter. Ever wondered what 2000 pieces of shrimp look like? I added this one just because it has some fruit carvings on it as well. If you are a shrimp lover please place a napkin on your keyboard now, to catch your drool.


  1. So, I'm very allergic to shrimp ... BUT ... those platters look super cool lol. Good job!

    - Ali

  2. Awesome as always.
    Dude, you take yer talent to the next level, I know a lot of artists,
    but it's rare when you get someone who applies their craft to such a unique niche.
    I'm totally stoked on all yer creations, they look delicious and fantastically expensive and i want to eat each and every one (minus the shrimp and melon).
    Your photographer is doing an amazing job, all the flicks look great.
    Can't wait to see what you do next.


About Me

My photo
Kitchener / Waterloo, Ontario
I have been carving fruit in Kitchener, Ontario, for 5 years now and have done hundreds of exotic fruit platters. This is my portfolio following my life as a fruit carver. If you like what you see and are interested in having your own fruit platter, please contact me at Thank you for browsing my blog and I hope you enjoy the photos.